What Do We Believe?

The most important question you will be asked in life...


Are you a good person?



Almost everyone would answer, "yes, of-course!"



But, what if we were to test your moral standing against a universal standard?



Let's look at some of the commandments in the Bible:


Have you ever told a lie or withheld truth from someone?

Have you ever taken anything that was not yours?

Have you ever looked at someone lustfully or entertained lustful thoughts in your mind?



Well, if you were honest with yourself, you probably answered "yes" to all of them



The Bible says that "everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:28, ESV)


So... if you answered "yes" to just these 3 questions, you would be admitting to being a Liar, a Thief, and an Adulterer


The Bad News...


God is a perfectly good judge, and a perfectly good judge would always execute justice.


According to God's perfect Law, you and I both stand condemned. We deserve to bear the full punishment for breaking God's moral Law.


The penalty? Death. Not only do all people eventually die physically, but sin causes spiritual death and invites God's eternal wrath in hell.

The Good News...


God crafted a rescue plan for humanity out of his intense love for us, not wanting to see people perish eternally, so he tasked his Son, Jesus Christ, to take all the punishment and wrath in our place as our substitute.


About 2,000 years ago, the Son of God came to earth and lived a completely sinless life to prove his identity and to ensure that his sacrificial death could atone for the sins of the world.


In a gruesome instant, God's wrath was poured out on Jesus Christ as he died on the cross, not for himself, but for you and me. Salvation was accomplished and forgiveness was made possible to you.

The Decision...


Friend, the offer of salvation is a free gift, but the decision to take it is yours to make. Remember, you and I both deserve God's just punishment because of our sins. The Judge wants to issue you a full pardon because he loves you and wants to set you free.


Salvation is simple.

Confess that you are a sinner in need of God's grace because you cannot save yourself.

Repent (turn away) from a lifestyle of ignoring and rejecting God and begin to love him and obey him, recognizing that God loved you even while you were rejecting him and chose to send his Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for your sins so that you don't have to.

Believe by faith that Jesus Christ's sacrifice on a cross 2,000 years ago was the sufficient payment on your behalf.


From here on out, choose to live in obedience to how God created you and what he commands by studying the Bible, connecting with other like-minded Christians, and praying for continuous internal transformation.

What will you choose?